Punks are the fashion and hairstyles of the punk subculture. The early punks were defined by their rejection of mainstream fashion and societal expectations. Punks dress differently, often very radically, from what is considered “girly” or “mainstream.” The style and attitude of punk fashion reflect this attitude. From hair colours to clothing choices, you can see the individual personalities and traits that make each punks unique.

The Punk Movement
In the late seventies, punk began to be referred to as an anti-social lifestyle, instead of a rebellious movement. The seventies saw a rise in the number of punks all across the country, especially in the small city of East L.A. This was the era when punks began to throw parties, and clothing became very important to identify one’s place in the community. This is what gave the term “punk” its meaning; you were either part of the crowd, or part of the scum. Punks are generally known for their unique sense of style and individuality.
The punk fashion of the 1970s can be briefly seen in any popular music of that period. Punk rock and roll are characterized by its heavy, dark, and angry style. Most of the punk rock bands of that era focused more on politics, social issues, and economic inequality. One early song said, “We are the machines, we are the soldiers, we are the people.” This was a rather cryptic statement, but it captured the spirit of the time.
The punk fashion of the seventies and the eighties was also notable for its bold, unique fashion sense. One famous piece from that era is called the “shaved head,” which is simply a long haircut with spikes around the sides. This was a very popular trend among punks, who wore their hair in long, spiky cuts. Another very popular item was the pimpline hairstyle, which was short and spiky like a punk’s hair, but still had plenty of style.
New Era Fashion
The punk fashion of today is more about street wear than it is about fashionable fashion. Today, you’ll see many individuals sporting fashionable, punk fashion clothing like ironic skull jewelry, bright fluorescent clothing, and bold, color-coordinated hairstyles. Members of this subculture also like to wear tattoos. Members of the punk subculture don’t like to be thought of as goths, because they don’t want to be lumped in with those who are. Instead, they prefer to express themselves artistically. Members of this subculture like to show off their tattoos, make statements with their hairstyles and clothing choices and much more.
One thing you will notice about the punk fashion of today is that they are very open about their beliefs and personal convictions. Members of this subculture believe strongly that individualism is evil, and that individuals should be treated as individuals, with individualistic traits only. They believe that people who are successful are lucky, while those who aren’t are unfortunate. They also believe in total freedom, and an end to all forms of slavery and oppression. By displaying their unique fashion, members of the punk fashion subculture are saying that they believe in freedom, individuality, and do not wish to conform to any culture.

Olivia is a fashion writer passionate about uncovering the latest clothing trends and style inspirations. She focuses on seasonal fashion shifts and wardrobe essentials.